Fantastic read, very stimulating views and questions.

I, too had and have reservations about President Trump, and can't deny he has been compromised to some degree. He is, after all, the "vaxx daddy". That Stargate mess hasn't helped to alleviate my fears.

The kindergarten-ish "assassination attempts" were a laughable attempts at false-flag operations, but they still got the required traction, so mission accomplished.

And now, economically he and his staff are performing great works, but all the while gleaning troves of information regarding data systems and policies, essentially looking under the proverbial hood of the DemonRat machine. An incredible opportunity to learn all the nuances, buttons, levers, and players required to master the system.

Is this for better or for worse for we masses? I'm thinkin' eyes wide-open for this ride, like a roller-coaster that may launch it's cars into the next county.

But, I have been wrong before. Not, fortunately, regarding the vaxx assassination, I have witnessed a brother-in-law fall down a stage four cancer hole and subsequent termination from morphine OD. That took 4-5 months to go from (vaxxed) "healthy" to (vaxxed) "dead".

That's "one". It's not as though I'm keepin' track, however.......

Yeah, right.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Terrible story about your BIL. I paid careful attention during the vax rollout, watching as each new vax had a few more points of claimed efficacy. I think it was the Russian one that finally arrived with like 96% efficacy, ha. No vax before Covid had ever reached 60%, so it was painfully obvious it was all just hype. Then to find out their true performance was NEGATIVE efficacy, i.e. killing more people than they saved. Unbelievable.

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I was blessed to avoid the Vaxx. First, I believe in Reagan's maxim "that one of the Great Lies is that 'I'm from the government and here to help you'". Second, my early suspicion about the vaxx was reinforced by Sucharit Bakti's comment that 97% of the infected survived quite nicely and that the disease appeared to primarily affect the elderly and those with severe underlying health issues. He also observed that the 'vaccine' was, by the manufacturers' admission, a relatively untested gene therapy he would never agree to take. Third, I am fortunate to have owned my company and did not have to contend with mandates from an employer; my job was secure. Many of my employees were somewhat freaked and urged me to issue a compulsory vaxx requirement but I told them they were quite free to find a more compliant place to work. I credit Our Good Lord with protecting me and some (not a majority, unfortunately) of my family.

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I had a small business at the time, and told our employees that we were not getting the vaccinated, and they shouldn't either. One of them was kind of a hypochondriac, so he got vaxxed as soon as he could, and I got sick shortly after. Convinced it was from vax shedding.

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I cannot recall the source but the fentynal connection shouldn't be overlooked. It's worth being checked out that Wuhan is the biggest manufacturer/distributor of fentynal globally. What if the virus was just a story and the real payload was the fentynal that is now killing so many?

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If you mean sneaking fentanyl into a vaccine, then that could be like layer 7.5! Who knows what they are putting in the vaccine 'adjuvant', i.e. the fluid itself.

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I was thinking straight up drug trafficking. That crap flooded into the states at the same time the"virus" hit. I will state now I don't believe in the virus itself. How would such an organism or microbe survive a round trip through oxygen, ozone and UV light? I've asked that question so many times and all I get in response is silence and a blank stare. Any one of those three on their own would take it out.

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I am glad that the surface is at last being scratched and, with folk like Bobby Kennedy in a position of influence, I have some hope that the world will reach at least Level 6. Looking at latest birth numbers for Philippines indicates an element of population reduction in the evil plan.

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Amen, brud.

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