February 10, 2025
In this essay I want to welcome the Smart Phone Crowd to Layer 2 of the Covid Psyop. It’s as if the new Administration gave everyone the mental permission needed to admit the official CovidTM story was hokum. At last! What a difference a month can make.
Layer 1 of the Psyop was all about bats and pangolins, those poor critters, and a Chinese penchant for bat soup. It has been the official storyline since ’20 if our brain fog can still access those memories, firmly implanted by the narrative marketeers. Just Pay No Attention to the Virology Lab right down the street running Gain of Function experiments with bats and SARS.
With Layer 2 now mainstream, ‘conspiracy’ pundits like X22 Report are practically jubilant with their “see we told you so’s”. Even Scott Adams, who can often be counted on for deeper-level insights, is saying much the same thing. Wasn’t it always obvious that the Lab Leak theory was correct? But it is only a limited-hangout story. Just picture the journo’s and the agents saying “welp I guess the truth is out,” with a little shrug, while not looking you in the eye.
Layer 3 of the Psyop: You mean there is more? The Smart Phone Crowd will eventually get here, regular Readers. Layer 3 goes something like this: mysterious furin cleavage sites in the supposed CoV-2 spike protein could not have been cooked-up by the Chinese. Ergo, they were actually developed by us, meaning CIA / DARPA / US Army, etc. It would be the World’s Biggest Scandal in terms of how many people were affected. Ridiculous, you say?
There are precedents for this theory, starting with Lyme Disease and Plum Island. There was also the US biolab operational in Sierra Leone, leading up to the 2013 Ebola outbreak -- which prompted Bill Gates to devote serious attention to viral pandemics, you may recall. More recently we had the secret biolabs in Ukraine, supposedly destroyed (captured?) by Russia. Simulating a Wuhan lab leak would be child’s play, as there were ample US personnel visiting the site. Just disperse the virus nearby and blame the Chinese for being sloppy, or working off-book, etc.
Layer 4 of the Psyop: Going a step farther, this theory proposes the 2019 Military World Games -- which took place in Wuhan -- were used as cover to spread the disease. The games started October 19, just a few days after the infamous Event 201, in which the WHO and various hoi polloi imagined the exact Covid scenario that was about to unfold in the months that followed. Such clairvoyance.
Team USA participated in some 17 events, including team sports, and would have sent dozens of athletes to Wuhan. This report shows the correlation of the World Military Games to the initial spread of CovidTM. It is not a far leap to imagine a secondary mission to infect other athletes, but I doubt if we will ever know.
Layer 4.5 of the Psyop: In this darker version of the scenario, US Military athletes were infected without their knowledge, then sent to Wuhan to spread it to others. Preposterous, right? Unless you consider the origins of the 1918 ‘Spanish Flu’ at Fort Riley, Kansas. 107 patient-zeros who all contracted a new strain of highly contagious ‘influenza’, then sent off to the European Front. A meningitis vaccine experiment being conducted at the same time, in the same place, on the same soldiers, using a horse serum. But you know, meningitis and flu are nothing alike, so theory debunked?
This rabbit hole takes you right back to the origins of our understanding of viruses. It seems that ‘influenza’ only existed in the minds of researchers in 1918. The experiment was run by the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, and the symptoms noted by Dr. Frederick Gates for the outbreak exactly match symptoms of bacterial pneumonia, a side effect from the meningitis vaccine. According to this theory, ‘influenza’ was merely a name given to unknown diseases. But meningitis and pneumonia were known.
Rockefeller was content to let the name Spanish Flu play out, creating the original medical Psyop a century ago. The 40 million or so deaths understandably launched a whole new era of government-funded research into viruses and vaccines, from which Rockefeller profited quite handsomely, just like Bill Gates does today. Do they create the problem, or just profit from it?
Layer 5 of the Psyop: You may think this theory is dubious, but what if CovidTM never existed at all, other than in your mind? The Scamdemic was always just some non-lethal flu variant, even if it was concocted in the lab, causing the same symptoms and responses that we have always known about. Old people suffer the most, etc. Aha, what about when I lost my sense of taste? Its funny, my wife and I both experienced that symptom too, except her response was “Oh I’ve had that before.” Say what? But her genetic makeup is Asian / Melanesian / Spanish, far different than mine.
The theory is not as crazy as most people think, starting with serious doubt that the sequencing of the ‘covid genome’ was ever actually done. Or, that it could not possibly have been sequenced soon enough for vaccines (unless, you know, DARPA). And, admissions that the ‘sequence’ is actually a computer model, and the ‘virus’ was never truly isolated. This is Rule #2 in Koch’s Postulates, and part of the reason why Corman-Drosten paper outlining usage of the PCR testing method for determining ‘cases’ was utterly decimated by peer review.
I was on the fence about all this until finally encountering Dr. Kevin Stillwagon’s Substack: He has adequately, graphically, scientifically explained both points of view. Do viruses exist, or don’t they? He has a rare ability to hold both views simultaneously, and I encourage everyone to watch his illuminating presentation.
Layer 6 of the Covid Psyop: Asserts that our entire understanding of Germ Theory is wrong. We have inherited a for-profit system that funds the wrong kind of research, and rewards the wrong kind of results. In this way, Medical ScienceTM is no different than Climate ScienceTM; research grants ensure that the right problems are studied, and the right results are promoted.
In this theory, something exists that spreads from human to human, but we don’t understand it at all. Or, we think we understand it, and thus our treatments are backwards. Which is exactly what we saw during the Scamdemic; basically mass confusion, starting with the medical professionals. We lack the social mechanisms to self-correct, except for those few who are willing to say “no” and who manage to somehow keep their reasoning skills during mass hypnosis events. It was a small club, be thankful if you were in it.
Dr. Stillwagon, the virus explainer guy, contends that Viruses do exist. But they are mechanisms the body uses to adapt its immune response, like a messenger. Thus, treating viruses as foreign entities which must be destroyed is the exact wrong approach. Dig deep into other major ‘eradication’ efforts and you end up at a similar place: AIDS, Polio, Crohn’s, Lyme, Fibromyalgia; all misunderstood by Rockefeller Medicine, which has determined drugs are the answer to everything. Future researchers will classify Germ Theory right up there with Humours, and vaccines with blood-letting.
Layer 7 of the Covid Psyop: The bottom of the excavation. For this black-pill theory, consider that all of the lies and narratives built into our misunderstanding of Germ Theory could be a feature, not a bug. All done so that you will believe vaccines are the cure for everything, which has led ScienceTM down a rosy path to gene editing via mRNA. Which, of course, is not a vaccine at all... but you were so scared of CovidTM that you accepted it. So even the medical terminology being used has now lost its meaning.
In this theory the US Mil was hard at work for over a decade, knowing that a specialized outbreak was coming, and used it to further a transhumanist, globalist plan. It is looking like DARPA put together a consortium in 2017 to begin work on ‘pan influenza vaccines’, whose goal was to be able to create vaccines for a novel pathogen within 60 days. Talk about Warp Speed. They were ahead of the curve, and it was no accident.
Why? Could be population control. Could be to just make us more docile, or to eradicate Male-ness. Could be to neutralize the patriotic will to fight back. Could simply be to make humanity desperate for the right leader to come and fix everything, Biblically speaking. Are not the past several years like the birth pains described in the books of Mark, Romans, Revelation, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, etc? Surely we are not too blind to see it, Readers.
Trust the Plan?
Will Trump be that long-awaited leader, or will he be something else? Who could have imagined the intensity of recent weeks, and his string of mind-bending victories against the deep state? I have written several times that we should not expect much from a Trump win, that he would barely be able to slow down this speeding train -- that government is too corrupt to be salvaged.
Yet he has already taken down USAID; with his wrecking ball aimed NOAA, the Pentagon, the Treasury, and just this morning he shut down the Department of Education. Can this really be happening? I would love to be wrong about Trump, and the Military too for that matter. So far he is making all the right moves, or at least dazzling me with boldness.
In closing, A well-done Psyop has many layers, each one convincing you there is no need to dig further. Remember that the CIA and Military have been doing this since Eisenhower, so they have had a long time to perfect their methods. Wherever you land in these layers, Reader, I hope that they are instructive. I hope that these last several years have taught you how to smell a rat, and how to see through some of the lies. We may never know the full truth of CovidTM, or 9/11, or the many other narrative lies that have shaped the last century. But I have learned to be OK with that, which has taken an awfully long time.
It is because the only Plan worth trusting is God’s. From that perspective, the entire unfolding of this Dark to Light timeline is one ongoing miracle to behold. Never in my too-short life has it been this exciting, this prophetic, this Biblical. As a Christian there is a palpable sense of having one foot in Heaven and the other foot still in this world. Part of me hopes that we have a long while yet before Christ returns... the other part would be jubilant if it happened right now.
As I often write in these essays: know who you are and what you stand for, Reader. Know where you would go if you died today. Gain that confidence and peaceful reassurance by trusting Christ as your savior while there is still time. God may be stretching this out a bit longer just for you.
Peace be upon you in Christ, Readers
Visayas Outpost
Fantastic read, very stimulating views and questions.
I, too had and have reservations about President Trump, and can't deny he has been compromised to some degree. He is, after all, the "vaxx daddy". That Stargate mess hasn't helped to alleviate my fears.
The kindergarten-ish "assassination attempts" were a laughable attempts at false-flag operations, but they still got the required traction, so mission accomplished.
And now, economically he and his staff are performing great works, but all the while gleaning troves of information regarding data systems and policies, essentially looking under the proverbial hood of the DemonRat machine. An incredible opportunity to learn all the nuances, buttons, levers, and players required to master the system.
Is this for better or for worse for we masses? I'm thinkin' eyes wide-open for this ride, like a roller-coaster that may launch it's cars into the next county.
But, I have been wrong before. Not, fortunately, regarding the vaxx assassination, I have witnessed a brother-in-law fall down a stage four cancer hole and subsequent termination from morphine OD. That took 4-5 months to go from (vaxxed) "healthy" to (vaxxed) "dead".
That's "one". It's not as though I'm keepin' track, however.......
Yeah, right.
Onward, Christian soldiers!
I was blessed to avoid the Vaxx. First, I believe in Reagan's maxim "that one of the Great Lies is that 'I'm from the government and here to help you'". Second, my early suspicion about the vaxx was reinforced by Sucharit Bakti's comment that 97% of the infected survived quite nicely and that the disease appeared to primarily affect the elderly and those with severe underlying health issues. He also observed that the 'vaccine' was, by the manufacturers' admission, a relatively untested gene therapy he would never agree to take. Third, I am fortunate to have owned my company and did not have to contend with mandates from an employer; my job was secure. Many of my employees were somewhat freaked and urged me to issue a compulsory vaxx requirement but I told them they were quite free to find a more compliant place to work. I credit Our Good Lord with protecting me and some (not a majority, unfortunately) of my family.