March 25, 2024
Good morning, Space Rangers.
It is a sad day as another icon falls. No, I’m not talking about Trump’s ongoing endorsement of the vaccines, I am referring to the very man who first warned us about the dangers of the Military Industrial Complex.
Up until a few weeks ago, I had never in my life heard of the Jakarta Axiom. Sorry about that, Mr. Glossner, I know you did your best in 9th grade History. Yet in true hive-mind form, all things Eisenhower started dropping into place out of the ether. Recognizing these are probably just seeded into the public conscience, I am therefore doing my diligence to present it. Curses on the narrative managers, but maybe we can steer this in a direction they won’t expect.
The Golden Age?
The Jakarta Axiom was a simple yet pragmatic piece of foreign policy which established that neutral Third World states like Indonesia were on their own following WWII. Many of those islands in the Pacific Theater had been pulverized, but were neither allies nor enemies and therefore did not benefit from the rebuilding efforts Uncle Sam was keen on pursuing elsewhere. Third World nations and kingdoms were now free from their Colonial bonds, in some cases since the 1500’s, so it must have been naïve hope that the newly-formed United Nations offered them a world built on actual equity. For the first time, a seat at the table was possible, along with the dream of no longer being subject to the whims of the powerful.
But 1953 changed everything. It was Dwight D. Eisenhower’s first year in office and the first foreign coup ever carried out by the CIA, Operation Ajax. Absorb the irony for a moment -- that Ajax was put together at the request of the British against Iran to protect oil interests, and that it gave rise to the Shah. Such were the heady days of the early Cold War when the foreign policies that still plague us today, like Iran, were being formed. Khrushchev had just risen to power in the Soviet Union, and the NSA and CIA were both vying for relevance within the halls of US power. McCarthyism was in full effect, and the Reds were behind every blade of grass. Eisenhower didn’t create these perceptions, but he was elected to combat them.
Following in 1954 was a second coup in Guatemala dubbed Operation PBSuccess, in which the CIA toppled the government of Jacobo Árbenz. His popular agrarian reforms were negatively impacting United Fruit, a US company which owned 20% of Guatemalan land and was heavily invested by the Dulles brothers. He also had uncomfortable sympathies with various communists. Victory #2 delivered to Eisenhower, courtesy of the CIA and without spilling American blood.
Both Iran and Guatemala show how the US has no love for strong nationalism on the game board. That will make you a target of some sort, pronto. They also show how the term US interests can and did apply not only to ideology, but to business and even allied foreign interests (Anglo Persian Oil Company, forerunner to BP). And it was due to these early successes that the Jakarta Axiom was eclipsed. No longer would mere neutrality be tolerated by Washington. Third world countries after ’53 needed be sufficiently anti-communist to avoid falling under the cold gaze of American foreign policy interventions.
It was an earlier version of Bush’s with us or with the terrorists moment, silently acknowledged by secret policy makers. Fresh off of Korea and promising to reduce military actions, Eisenhower would go on to approve 170 CIA interventions during his two terms as President. Call it a pragmatic win-win, as the man was able to keep his promises, and add many successes like the National Highway System. But at what cost?
As others have compared recently, the whole nation was swept up in this Red Scare culture of fear during the 1950s -- hard for me to grasp since I didn’t live it. But note the strange juxtaposition of unlimited optimism for the future, while hiding in bomb shelters and under desks to prepare for nuclear war. Note the Golden Age of television and the build-out of the American dream, while conducting communist witch hunts on American citizens. 70 years later, it is back.
Today they want you to look for Russians or Chinese behind every intrigue, and to panic over CovidTM or ClimateTM, while telling you everything is awesome. But you will be coerced through social media until they get the required behavior, or railroaded like J6 protestors if you dare to dissent. Only if you can embrace being a Good Citizen can you partake of the new communion. By now if we can’t recognize these classic signs of programming, we have not been paying attention.
MIC Unleashed
History forgets that the CIA plan to invade Cuba was approved in 1960, over a month before the inauguration of Kennedy. While Eisenhower presented an upright and firm commitment to the cause of American freedom and even warned of the dangers of the MIC in his famous farewell address, behind the scenes he was secretly laying the bricks for the insane overreaches of American Empire.
Nowhere was this more evident than Indonesia, where US involvement -- both direct and indirect -- led to the deaths of at least a million civilians from 1965-66. Few people have ever heard of this purge, chillingly called The Transition to the New Order. It has kind of a familiar ring, no? This forgotten chapter is the subject of a book called The Jakarta Method by Vincent Bevins and you may recognize the motus operandi because it is so familiar:
-Find a country thought to be at risk of succumbing to unwanted election outcomes;
-Court that country’s key influencers and military leaders to get on board with the program, and to supply whatever they need to take care of the opposition;
-Keep it all out of the news media and hidden from Congress as much as possible;
-Look the other way while atrocities take place.
The purge was textbook, still hailed as a major success by the intelligence community. Groundwork started in ‘62 by courting the Indonesian military, bringing them to the US for ‘training’ and generally convincing them that the communist PKI party needed to be eliminated in Indonesia. President Sukarno was a firm nationalist who had led the country since its independence from the Dutch, but had a too-easy relationship with the communists. He needed to go, and the US determined to replace him with the ambitious General Suharto.
Coordinators of the purge were the usual suspects: CIA, MI6, and elements of the US military. Tactics the Indonesian military learned from us were both brutal and psychological: midnight disappearances, camps, torture, ‘lists’ of dissidents to be interrogated. They became amazingly proficient in stoking racial hatred, and getting countrymen to both murder and turn in suspects. Again, this should sound familiar.
Many victims went willingly to the police for ‘interviews’, knowing they had done no wrong. The visuals were stunning: rivers full of floating bodies, executions by machetes and iron tools, dismembered and disemboweled victims. Sheer barbarism, which produced the desired effect: communist party members, mostly average citizens like truck drivers and school teachers, began burning their membership cards and denying all association with the party. Fantastic was how the purge and coup were described in US circles... It reminds me of something Josef Mengele might have said after a successful experiment. News of Indonesia was kept tight as a drum in the West, or rebranded as ‘political unrest,’ and Suharto rose to power as planned.
Lessons learned in Jakarta would be applied to future interventions all over the world, as the CIA and willing MIC partners continued to fine-tune their methods with each operation. Think of the hubris; knowing they could kill John F. Kennedy, knowing they could topple any government. Eisenhower had effectively unleashed a monster, even though it came with a warning sticker. How many governments, movements, and people have we brutalized in the decades since? The human toll must be incalculable, and sickening.
In conflict after conflict, in election after election, in crisis after crisis, we are being hoodwinked. That is and has been the subject of so much awakening in the years since 2001, but it still shocks me when I discover new depths to the socio-political disease that is infecting our very bones. One by one we have seen the social contracts of the Western world become fraudulent, mere cutouts, ideals without substance. Media Integrity. Medical Science. Democratic Process. Police that do not protect. Schools that indoctrinate. Homeland Security that invites in the horde. Corporations with political agendas. Data that enslaves rather than enlightens.
Despite all of these, despite America’s ongoing slide into banana republic status, there was one unbreakable social contract I held close to heart: the US Military. Let us stare over the edge of the abyss for a moment. Here is a picture of John McCain with his ISIS buddies, for reflection.
A Military Operation
Astonishing admissions in recent months and years confirm our worst fears, that the military now treats the American public as potential hostiles. We are actively Psyopped, to the point that the word PsyopTM is now a Psyop. It is justified under a guise of the modern Red Scare, in which they can prevent foreign disinfo by programming us with their own disinfo. As in the ‘50s, mere neutrality of one’s ideology is becoming must be replaced, by their own approved ideology. You’re either with us or against us, Citizens.
Ukraine is just one example among dozens. A few months ago it was still considered ludicrous that today’s warzone traces back to a US-backed 2014 coup, or that there was bio weapons research going on, or that there were secret CIA bases in Ukraine, or that Western governments were covertly planning the missions there. Then poof, an honest interview with Putin goes viral, followed by the leaked German conversations that implicate the US military. The switch was thrown, and now it is common knowledge that all those things were happening in Ukraine. It is a perfect example of the Hindenburg Uncertainty Principle, we just watched it unfold in Orwellian style. Oceana has always been at war with Eurasia.
Armed conflict is only the tip of a large iceberg. Take this eye-opening report by Josh Stylman at Brownstone, who lays out rather well the origins of the internet, social media platforms, Amazon, and search engines. As you undoubtedly knew, they were military funded, military seeded; but now this information is somehow legitimized. The plan even had redundancies, for example Magellan vs. Google. If one fails, you have another. It makes so much more sense now when considering the made-for-public drama at TwitterX the last few years, and the increasingly cozy relationship TwitterX has with the military.
Musk, by now clearly a spook of a different sort, is also tied to the military via SpaceX. And not just SpaceX, but Starlink. Not just Starlink but Neuralink. Not just Neuralink but Tesla. Are you getting the picture? Elon Musk is the chosen conduit for the military to be able to reveal all these technologies without admitting they have been working on them in secret for decades. To do it in the open would have been to undergo budget scrutiny. He is the front man for the history books to record, how ‘even in dark times the indomitable human spirit rose to new heights and created a New Society’. I can see the poster artwork now, victory over struggle.
Make no mistake that is where this is headed Readers, and has been heading for well over a hundred years.
But unlike Eisenhower, administrations after JFK managed to draw the military into their insanity. My traditional rose-colored affection for the Armed Forces has been rooted not just in comradery as an old Air Force mechanic, but in the belief that the average soldier, sailor, and airman represent unshakeable integrity that cannot be overcome by soulless political leadership. That it could never be corrupted from within, and would always stand as the last bastion of protection for the people. So I want to shoot it to you straight, Readers. We have no room for Hopium when staring into the abyss.
When we view the military precision of events unfolding, particularly in the last ten years, it is too scripted to be natural. Why the robotic dogs....why the rise of “A.I.”.....why the push toward enslavement models of the monetary system and electric grid....why the incessant biometrics, behavior modification, and reality distortion....why the genomic modification, vaccines, chemtrails, 5G.... These are exactly the things you would need to do to cement a global totalitarian system. Coincidentally, the same things you would need to maintain military invincibility. A Police State, which many of us insist has already been extant for a couple of decades. Please tell me you are seeing it by now. What would make us think any of these advancements will be used for freedom?
So what are we to make of our namesake country, Americans? The military is in the process of creating Skynet, of sorts. They are compromised, along with the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of government which have been comped for some time. In patriot circles there is still a belief that the Election will change everything. It feels like I have heard it before. Two more weeks.
Paint the Picture
Q famously teased his audience to Paint the Picture. Well, I have painted it, and you won’t like it:
Trump pulls out a landside win later this year, and in the process exposes every sordid detail that has taken place in America since 2001. The resulting uproar is a Congressional crisis, as many of our representatives are arrested and tried at Guantanamo. Chaos erupts as laws that were passed by illegitimately elected officials get stricken from the books. The CIA, FBI, and IRS are disbanded. Mass deportations of illegals finally happen, along with the commutation of sentences for political prisoners like the J6.
But in the midst of sweet victory and vindication for Truth seekers worldwide, a new CrisisTM erupts. Rights are rescinded. Vaccines are forced, for our own good. Strict checkpoints ensure that only the right credentials can pass. Digital currency takes over as a form of social control. Travel is restricted by 95% as the world seeks to protect itself from the chaos. The militaries are the only functional elements of a vast human prison. The first battles are fought in space, but all we know about it are rumors and disinfo. A couple of cities get vaporized, but then everyone rallies behind a new Leader.
What emerges after the dust settles is a compliant population scrambling to be selected to move to one of the new Freedom Cities. The Have-Nots are pretty much on their own, and cannot be really trusted to be part of society anyway. Elon Musk’s new A.I. ThinkLink begins churning out plans to deal with them. Drone fleets communicating by Starlink are a daily sight. A mass disappearance occurs, but most of the people were dissidents. Rumors swirl briefly it was the Rapture, but a quick adjustment of an algorithm ensures that society soon forgets. Circa 2030 the calendar is reset to Year 1 of the New Age.
It is a dark vision, and a bit tongue in cheek. I hope it is wrong. Understand we are dealing with forces out of our control, Readers. This is Spiritual dark and light. Try not to be in the cities, or desperate to pass through borders when it is too late. Eisenhower’s monster is not going back in the box, friends.
My advice as always, is to know where your heart is with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Peace be upon you in Christ from the Philippines,
Visayas Outpost
Gosh that was stunningly good and the first time I have been made aware of unreasonable behaviour in Indonesia. Same old same old over and over until the powerful achieve their goals. I still feel confident we can stop them. As for Trump and his beloved Warp Speed disaster, I keep biting my lip in the hope that he will come clean and get honest with us.
Hans Urs von Balthasar
Catholic theologian
“Love alone is credible; nothing else can be believed, and nothing else ought to be believed. This is the achievement, the ‘work’ of faith: to recognize this absolute prius, which nothing else can surpass; to believe that there is such a thing as love, absolute love, and that there is nothing higher or greater than it; to believe against all the evidence of experience (‘credere contra fidem‘ like ‘spere contra spem‘), against every ‘rational’ concept of God, which thinks of him in terms of impassibility or, at best, totally pure goodness, but not in terms of this inconceivable and senseless act of love”