Jul 4Liked by Visayas Outpost

Interesting article. At this point in time it is nearly impossible to determine who is the "good" guy and who is the "bad" guy. There is one thing that is crystal clear to millions of people in this country and that is we cannot continue on this present course. The bad news for the people that believe this, which includes me, is that there really is a "deep state" and they have had decades to work their magic and here we are. The Republic is dead. It cannot be reborn without Devine intervention.

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Agree. When I was younger I used to try to work out just why we couldn't really find America in scripture or end-times prophecies (unless she is the Beast). But it reads to me like America is not even a factor in those times....maybe not even still around.... Scary thought, and it never really made sense to me until recent years.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

Massive earthquake. That plus the useless .gov that we ALL DESERVE. Come on people Our country is on the ropes. But I WOULD NEVER ADVOCATE any opposition to useless.gov


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Jul 4Liked by Visayas Outpost

I also wonder just how much Trump will achieve if/when he assumes the top job a second time. I read, hear and see many who refuse to place any faith in him, eg Michael Yon who is apparently on the right side, and so it also causes doubt. But if those folk are right and Trump is actually part of a psyop to placate the dangerous and nationally vital patriots, can they please explain why the enemy is so terrified of DJT and seemingly willing to break every rule in order to shut him down? Add in the obvious truths to be found within the Q drops and it becomes apparent that this is bigger than us. Revel in our recent victories while keeping our voices raised and our hands together in prayer.

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Yep, I think Trump 2.0 would have a lot of successes, but that it would only placate most people into accepting the declining status quo. Who doesn't want a strong world leader, I mean that was his forté. But I think the crucial freedom issues would not change. I want to believe, and would like to be wrong about some of these things.

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Short of picking up a rifle, what alternative do we have brother?

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Move to Philippines?

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"why the enemy is so terrified of DJT and seemingly willing to break every rule in order to shut him down?"

I would suggest that you read the Uncle Remus story about Brer Rabbit begging "Please don't throw me into the briar patch". It pretty well describes the use of psychology to obtain a desired solution. That would be apropos since the article here is based on another fable about a naked emperor modeling his imaginary new suit of clothes.

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