Patriots keep up commenting on the blogs...neurolinguistics is a real driver of our future direction and a clear warning to the elite that we are rising against them.

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Re: Step 3 above - there's a quick, easy, cost-free way out - re-patriate from citizen of the United States to National of the United States of America.

The back story: the 13th Amendment abolished slavery and created a complex legal problem. Unlike the Citizens of the States, the free slaves had no legal or political protection. They had no political status. To solve the dilemma, a new status of U.S. citizen was established by the 14th Amendment of the Constitution -a federal or 2nd class citizen, a public, not a private citizen.

The 14th Amendment gave the government unlimited jurisdictional power over State citizens which they hadn't had before because of Constitutionally limited and enumerated powers. The 14th Amendment basically enslaved everyone, White and black, making all into 2nd class citizens who were subject to the federal government regulations, policies and laws and their attendant, onerous duties, responsibilities and obligations which could not have been applied to State citizens before the 14th was passed in July 1868. This Amendment also traded our God-given Constitutionally protected Rights for 'civil rights'.

There are 3 legal and political 'landmine' terms that you must be aware of: 1. citizen; 2. resident (not geographical but political); and, 3. jurisdiction, meaning legal control or power. These were all brought into existence by the 14th Amendment. These three terms lie at the very heart of the Federal Government's introduction of the feudal law into our Nation, the very same feudal law that our Forebears had shed their blood to banish forever. Ever since, we Americans have existed in a form of bondage that is foreign to the Constitution and to freedom for over 150 years. We're right back to the situation that our Forefathers confronted and defeated.

What is worse is that we CONFIRM that we accept federal jurisdiction over us as 2nd class citizens unwittingly, voluntarily, in 3 ways: 1. we declare it for our children on the birth certificate;

2. we declare it when we file our taxes; and, 3. we declare it on our passports, bank accounts etc. When you declare yourself to be a U.S. citizen, you contract and enter into the legal status of second-class citizenship.

There are 2 tricky deceitful questions the government uses to get you to accept this position:

1. are you a U.S. citizen? 2. are you a resident of the United States? (remember 'resident' is NOT geographical but political)

For more details, read Roger Sayles' book "From Sovereign to Serf" and check out his site: www.sovereigntoserf.com

You can re-claim your original status as a National of the USA by sending a declaration affidavit to the Department of State (federal) 'volunteering' out of bondage and sending copies to your state & local governments: attorney general, district attorney, sheriff and/or chief of police and public health director.

I re-patriated last month. What are you waiting for?

See: thematrixdocs.com for templates, more information and interviews of Roger Sayles.

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williamtheresolute, you are not rising against anything. you are following orders just like all millennials. you love only yourself and LIKELY even call yourself a patriot -- but you are not.

flag waving doesn't make a patriot. just like going to some 'church' doesn't make you Christian.

But, what would you know. you, like the majority of amerikans are asleep and will stay that way as amerika slips away further into oblivion.

yes, it has and continues to slip even further -- for you claim to be wise and know NOTHING.

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Some good points, but I would add withdrawing our consent also from state and local government, since they are just subsidiaries of the Federal corporation. Reasonable, decent people don’t need to be governed. Even in a world without organized government, those that do need to be governed will still get the justice they earn when neighbors voluntarily cooperate to deal with local problems together.

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Well done and inspiring!

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