September 19, 2024
Good morning to the Known Unknowns. It finally happened, Readers.
After a couple decades of downplaying the dangers of EM radiation and battery explosions in cell phones, we are now witnessing the rollout of direct weaponization of personal devices. The Mossad and its pager / walkie-talkie operation will be talked about for decades to come, if we survive that long, and if the whole episode does not turn out to be a hoax. This essay has nothing to do with Israel, but everything to do with the staggering implications of these events. It may take some weeks for the impact to finally filter down to the low-information group, but we can explore it right now.
This is the 4th in a series of 5th Gen Warfare topics. If you read Supply Chain Exploits then you should have a decent grasp of how hacking of the global supply chain itself is an insidious, invisible technique being used by the world’s more disruptive agencies. CIA, MI6, you know the story. In that essay I infer that something fishy has been going on for a long time in shipping and in military equipment related to the Chinese-sourced boards in so many control systems. Accidents waiting to happen on command.
We obviously don’t want systems like missile defense or the US Navy to be hardware-hackable, and yet we completely ignore the devices carried every day in our pockets. Readers may recall the many battery fires & explosions that were frequent back in the 2010’s. From Android phones to Galaxy Notes and iPhones, these random incidents sparked (heh) a sea change in airline security procedures and air freight. I mostly ignored the reports at the time, being a frequent traveler and overly dependent on my beloved iPhone 4S. Back in the day. But I was paying attention to more than a decade of warnings related to EM radiation, linking cell phones to brain tumors and testicular cancer.
Nothing to See Here
New Normal scriptwriters are already at work downplaying the implications of pager-bombs, just as they have done now for over two decades. Look for upcoming stories explaining how a few ounces of explosives were put into those Hezbollah devices, which is not possible in a modern laptop or cell phone. But hardware hacking is a fact, malware code is a fact, and batteries becoming low-grade bombs is a fact. Don’t worry though, the scriptwriters will say… cell phones are safe.
Alex Hollings at Sandboxx does a pretty good breakdown of the unfolding pager story as it exists today. Strange territory for him, being more of a military / aviation expert, which also tells us something. The discussion will quickly become whether Mossad had the ability to physically intercept those shipments of pagers and radios to modify them, or whether they were modified during manufacture. The devices were ordered through Gold Apollo in Taiwan, who only authorized their brand to be used on the product and did not design or manufacture them. A Hungarian consulting front-company was the supposed manufacturer, except their address is residential (and their CEO seems to be a spook). At least, that is the story being perpetrated today by early investigators.
So right away this is a shell game of different companies, countries, and Middle East funding according to Gold Apollo. We are seeing the same pattern emerge that I outlined in Supply Chain Exploits. A government actor, Mossad, wants to trigger something nefarious, and they don’t really need to build it themselves or even sneak it into Bad Guy HQ. Just order what they want, set up front-companies and supplier arrangements necessary to create a product that explodes on command. In a Security State run amok, I would hate to be in their crosshairs.
WE NEED TO GET THIS INTO OUR NOGGINS. They don’t need physical access to sabotage devices. Just like vote-rigging doesn’t require physical access to the machines. Sleeper operations planned years in advance only require the pushing of a button, or a Go Signal. Like the cover of Time magazine showing Trump on the golf course -- so easy to see, and yet so easy to debunk as conspiracy theory. 5th Gen Warfare.
The conclusion to this next-level of State sponsored assault should be the immediate realization that any wireless device is now a weapon. People should stop carrying them, but they won’t. After all, if Mossad chose to weaponize pagers instead of cell phones, then there must have been a reason. Actually I can think of three reasons, but won’t bore you with it. Considering Mossad’s goal is to create death and mayhem, they may have wanted more than just a fireball in the pockets of Hezbollah.
B-B-But I’m a Good Citizen
It should be crystal clear to everyone by now that governments are willing to kill. They are willing to suspend your rights based on your threat classification, independent of citizenship. They will let you rot in Belmarsh Prison like Australian Julian Assange. They will consign you to jail for years on Trumped-up (heh) charges like the J6 protestors, guilty of nothing but protest. They will drone you to death without due process, like US citizen Anwar al-Alwaki. They coerced most people into a CovidTM shot, with all of its deadly potential.
Now witness the weaponization of literally everything else in society, and understand that almost every single one of you carries a device in his / her pocket, on a daily basis. You do not want to be on their Bad Boy list, Readers.
Given that our phones were already well known spy-devices and sources of cancer, I wonder how quickly people will grasp this new (old) threat?
Aww, don’t be alarmist, Visayas.
Without devolving into 5G / 6G and its evil potential, let me just ask it this way: Could a three-letter organization put some malware or hardware into our phones, even at the manufacturing level, to enable batteries to be overloaded with just a coded signal? Good Lord yes, it would be child’s play. The question is not can they, the question is when will they? Maybe they already have.
So I put it to you, Readers, that if Mossad can do what they have just done, then the vast resources of the US Security State can reach out and touch you any time they want. How low down the totem pole does an Operator need to be, to enable the malware code you are already carrying? How easy would it be for something to go haywire in your vehicle’s lane keeping system and send you off of a bridge? What would certain energy pulse wavelengths do when aimed right at your medulla?
Putting down the paranoia pills now and coming back to reality. No doubt we are all Good Citizens here, and suffering heart failure or a traffic accident can happen to anyone. How much of a threat you are to them is really up to you. At least realize that there are common-sense steps to mitigate their ability to impact you. Why make it easy? I’ve kept my cell phone in its cradle for many reasons, long before it was a potential bomb.
Order 66
What we need to understand, related to telecom devices and other technologies: the world could change in an instant. It is already long established that we are kept in a perpetual state of confusion and info-management. And yet, knowing this, how many people still have not put down the little black box? We are going to stare at it, and engage in it until it kills us. The Beast System, aka Babylon and its shiny little black idol; like those carved images of Baal that our real God warned us about in the Old Testament. We worship these devices at our own peril, and that was true long before someone thought of turning them into kinetic weapons.
The Go-Signal could come at any moment, Readers. If I can give a Star Wars analogy: One moment the Jedi were in control, and then the Empire issued Order 66. Allies instantly became enemies, years of hidden programming unleashed by a simple trigger code, making the Jedi all but extinct. There is going to come a moment when the spiritual war breaks out into the open, or a shooting war breaks out in your town. It has been already engaged behind the scenes for a long while.
Will you be caught off guard when the satellites go out? Or if they use a nuke to get to Donald Trump? Will you be surprised if you see a Demon army on the march? Or Chinese missile launchers popping-up out of cargo containers? Signs and wonders in the sky? Some world leader is going to unite humanity, and the cry will be Peace, Peace. But there won’t be any, friends.
We can complain about Alexa, “AI”, Google, and how more and more we seem to be chasing after some algorithm in the cloud. We can observe the increasingly artificial wall of ideas and discourse that are turning people into mush, the birth pains of society as in the days of Noah. Or we can turn to the pages of our Bible, in which God describes the very time we are living. How he created man, and the very foundations of the Earth. How each of our days are numbered, and the very hairs on our heads. How he sent himself in the form of Jesus Christ the Son to be born of a virgin, fully man and yet fully God. How he paid the ultimate sacrifice of atonement for your sins. My sins. How the gift of Salvation is free, and cannot be earned.
Faith in Christ is the only thing sane in this world, as the spiritual war is ramping up. Answer that call, accept him as your personal savior, and you will gain rest for your souls. You will be adopted sons of God and heirs to his kingdom, according to Romans 8.
As others have said, and I have too: Gummints are going to Gummint. But we can hold on to the One who created everything, and we can know him personally. It doesn’t matter to me what Israel does, or Trump, or the Deep State for that matter. None of it would be happening without God’s design. We can always look for his handiwork, Readers, and be engaged in his Word.
And you don’t need a shiny black box idol for that.
Peace be upon you in Christ,
Visayas Outpost
This has been Visayas Outpost, coming to you from Philippines. Leaving behind everything you have ever known and loved is a hard choice, and everyone has their own tolerance or limit. For me, it was not possible to continue to live and thrive in a Police State, and so I left Babylon eight years ago. I write about observations from outside the Western bubble, and increasingly understand that our relationship to Christ is the center of everything. Thank you for your readership.
Very insightful VO and I too believe that God is the only chance we have of making it through this Purgatory. As an expatriated Briton I shudder at the draconian control being wielded by my government and pray, almost constantly, that somehow and somewhen the ill winds shall falter and we can tack to a new beginning. Oh and BTW, thank you friend in the South.
Wow, this dissertation got me thinking. Thank you to the writer.